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Sokov, Eugene N.; Sokova, Iraida A.; Dyachenko, Vladimir V.; Rastegaev, Denis A.; Burdanov, Artem; Rusov, Sergey A.; Benni, Paul; Shadick, Stan; Hentunen, Veli-Pekka; Salisbury, Mark; Esseiva, Nicolas; Garlitz, Joe; Bretton, Marc; Ogmen, Yenal; Karavaev, Yuri; Ayiomamitis, Anthony; Mazurenko, Oleg; Alonso, David Molina and Velichko, Sergey F.
In this work, we present transit timing variations detected for the exoplanet TrES-5b. To obtain the necessary amount of photometric data for this exoplanet, we have organized an international campaign to search for exoplanets based on the Transit Timing Variation method (TTV) and as a result of this we collected 30 new light curves, 15 light curves from the Exoplanet Transit Database (ETD) and 8 light curves from the literature for the timing analysis of the exoplanet TrES-5b. We have detected timing variations with a semi-amplitude of A ≈ 0.0016 days and a period of P ≈ 99 days. We carried out the N-body modeling based on the three-body problem. The detected perturbation of TrES-5b may be caused by a second exoplanet in the TrES-5 system. We have calculated the possible mass and resonance of the object: M ≈ 0.24MJup at a 1:2 Resonance.