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Leitão, Carla; Maciel, Cristiano; Piccolo, Lara Schibelsky Godoy; Salgado, Luciana; de Souza, Patricia C.; Prates, Raquel; Pereira, Roberto and Pereira, Vinicius Carvalho
In 2012, the Brazilian HCI community identified Five Grand Research Challenges in Brazil, for the timespan between 2012 and 2022. In this paper, we discuss 3 issues: (a)what our community has done so far to advance with Challenge 4 - Human Values; (b) what results had effective impacts; and (c) what challenges remain and/or have come up. To do so, we present our perspectives on studies related to the three central axes of this challenge (ethics, privacy and post-mortem digital legacy), along with their potential impacts. Our observations point out that a compartmentalized, narrow mindset might be preventing us from advancing to greater reflections, which could challenge paradigms and articulate the aforementioned axes within the Grand Challenges.