Technology in Social Work Education: Educators’ Perspectives on the NASW Technology Standards for Social Work Education and Supervision

Anthony, Becky; Baker, Lisa; Brady, Shane R.; Counselman-Carpenter, Beth; Cummings, Stephen; Curington, Allison M.; Ferrari, Katherine D.; Fink-Samnick, Ellen; Goldkind, Lauri; Joiner, Janet M.; Jones, Nathalie; King, Dione M.; Marquart, Matthea; Parga, Jennifer; Quinn, Carlene; Rembold, Liz; Schwartz, Sara L.; Simpson, Jenny; Singer, Jonathan B.; Taylor, Amanda M.L.; Young, Jimmy A. and Zgoda, Karen (2017). Technology in Social Work Education: Educators’ Perspectives on the NASW Technology Standards for Social Work Education and Supervision. University at Buffalo School of Social Work, State University of New York, Buffalo, NY.



The latest National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Technology Standards (2017) offer updated guidance for thinking about the use of technology in social work practice, with brief interpretations. Standard 4.0 specifically addresses social work education and the role of educators and supervisors in maintaining professional standards related to technology mediated practice and educational settings. The purpose of this document is to adjust the interpretations from a mostly risk-averse and micro-practice focus to a perspective that also acknowledges the potential strengths of technology in work at micro and macro levels of practice and social work education, supervision and continuing education.

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