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Schröder, Simon; Chashchina, Ekaterina; Janunts, Edgar; Cayless, Alan and Langenbucher, Achim
Purpose - To provide additional information on normal values of static pupil diameter measurements for binocular infrared pupillometry with PupilX, a commercial pupillometer, and assess the reproducibility of this device's measurements.
Methods - The pupil diameters from 91 study participants with normal eyes with an average age of 39.7 years (SD 16.4 years) were measured with PupilX under scotopic (0 lx), mesopic (1 lx), and photopic (16 lx) illumination. To assess the repeatability of the device, each measurement was repeated 5 times.
Results - The mean pupil diameters were 6.5 mm (SD 1.3 mm), 5.5 mm (SD 1.2 mm), and 4.03 mm (SD 0.9 mm) under scotopic, mesopic, and photopic illumination. Left and right eyes showed no difference in mean pupil diameters. The mean unsigned anisocoria was 0.26 mm (SD 0.32 mm) under scotopic, 0.26 mm (SD 0.27 mm) under mesopic, and 0.19 mm (SD 0.19 mm) under photopic illumination. The decrease in pupil diameter with age was largest for scotopic (≈0.057 mm/y) and smallest for photopic illumination (≈0.025 mm/y). The repeatability of the pupillometer was better than 0.2 mm.
Conclusion - This study provides reference values for age- and light-related pupil diameters measured with the PupilX digital pupillometer in normal subjects.