Shock-Induced Texture in Lunar Mg-Suite Apatite and its Effect on Volatile Distribution

Cernok, A.; Darling, J.; White, L.; Dunlop, J. and Anand, M. (2017). Shock-Induced Texture in Lunar Mg-Suite Apatite and its Effect on Volatile Distribution. In: 5th European Lunar Symposium, 02-03 May 2017, Münster, Germany.


The lunar Mg-suite are plutonic rocks which represent an episode of crustal building following primordial differentiation of the Moon. They range in crystallization ages from 4.43-4.1 Ga. This suite of rocks includes dunites, troctolites, and norites and comprises 20-30% of the lunar crust up to a depth of ~ 50-60 km. Apatite is the most common volatile-bearing mineral in lunar rocks, which made them an ideal target for in-situ studies of volatiles. This study focusses on pristine highland samples that have experienced different levels of shock metamorphism. Therefore, they are valuable samples for understanding how the content of water and other volatiles, as well as their isotopic signature respond to shock.

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