Innovation vs. Heritage: a Requirements Game to Encourage Creativity in Government Agencies' Legacy Systems Replacement Projects.

Alexandrova, Assia; Rapanotti, Lucia and Horrocks, Ivan (2014). Innovation vs. Heritage: a Requirements Game to Encourage Creativity in Government Agencies' Legacy Systems Replacement Projects. In: Joint Proceedings of REFSQ-2014 Workshops, Doctoral Symposium, Empirical Track, and Posters, pp. 12–20.



The replacement of legacy systems in government agencies is a challenging and complex process. Legacy software features and the business practices they support tend to be reproduced in replacement applications, because practitioners are averse to the risks associated with business process change. As a result, opportunities to introduce efficiencies and innovation with new technologies are missed. Since legacy replication occurs prominently during the requirements phase of legacy replacement projects, an online role-playing game (PROVO) was designed to promote creativity during the analysis and critique of business requirements stemming from legacy systems. The game was evaluated by a small group of practitioners from a municipal organization in the United States. The findings of the evaluation session are discussed and used to inform changes to PROVO’s design.

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