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Al-Kuzee, J.; Matsuura, T.; Goodyear, A.; Nolle, L.; Hopgood, A. A.; Picton, P. D. and Braithwaite, N. St.J.
This paper presents several approaches that have been used to control, optimize and characterize a low pressure (10–300 mTorr) plasma processing system. Methods such as contour following and differential evolution have been used to find contours of DC bias, total ion flux, ion energy flux, quadrupole mass spectrum (QMS) intensity ratios and line intensity ratios of the optical emission spectrum (OES) in argon and nitrogen plasmas. A mapping for a 4 × 4 multi-dimensional parameter space is also presented, in which the relationship between four control parameters (power, pressure, mass flow rates of two supplied gases) and four measurement outputs (DC bias, ion flux, QMS ratios and OES line intensity ratios) is determined in a plasma etching process. The use of these methods significantly reduces the time needed to re-configure the processing system and will benefit transfer of processes between different systems. A similar approach has also been used to find quickly an optimum condition for directional etching of a silicon wafer.