Using third-party audio-visual materials in module production: learning design, cost effectiveness and student satisfaction on DD210 and DE200

Turner, Jim and Briggs, Gemma (2017). Using third-party audio-visual materials in module production: learning design, cost effectiveness and student satisfaction on DD210 and DE200. OU Scholarship Exchange.


One of the strategic objectives of the Open University’s ‘Students First’ policy is ‘income diversification and cost reduction’. A key part of this is an increasing drive to reduce the cost of module production, with one approach being the use of third-party materials is modules. This project explores the use of third-party materials in two recently-produced psychology modules. The project gives examples of effective integration of third-party content through good learning design, examples of the costs and benefits of using third-party materials (including staff workload), and data on student satisfaction with module materials that incorporate third-party resources. Note that the project focuses on audio-visual resources, rather than third-party textual content.

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