Creativity in political discourse

Lillis, Theresa (2016). Creativity in political discourse. In: Hann, David and Lillis, Theresa eds. The politics of language and creativity in a globalised world. Milton Keynes: The Open University, pp. 65–113.


This chapter focuses on exploring creativity in political discourse in three ways:
1. At the level of creation or production. To consider the array of semiotic and linguistic resources that are used to create or produce political discourse, paying particular attention to those features which have an aesthetic dimension or appeal; that is, they are intended as, or are taken up as, beautiful, pleasing, fun(ny),interesting, unusual, surprising, shocking.
2. At the level of purpose. To consider why particular kinds of creativity are used in political discourse or for political purposes. Of course, it is not possible to know producers’ purposes by looking at their products alone, but they all involve an aspect of persuasion, wanting to convince the audience of particular views and perspectives. However, they do so in different ways, through style, humour, language and image. They may also have a moral or ethical purpose and, indeed, some theorists emphasise the moral purpose of all aesthetic production (for an overview, see Schellekens, 2008).
3. At the level of value and impact. To consider whether different kinds and instances of creativity in political discourse have different value for political engagement. That is, to consider the extent to which and ways in which they enable, facilitate, affect, influence and shape people’s involvement and engagement in social and public life and governance.

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