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Patzer, A.; Hill, D. H.; Boynton, W. V.; Franke, L.; Schultz, L.; Jull, A. J. T.; McHargue, L. R. and Franchi, Ian
We report noble gas, oxygen isotope, 14C and 10Be data of Itqiy as well as noble gas, 14C and 10Be results for Zaklodzie. Both samples have been recently classified as anomalous enstatite meteorites and have been compared in terms of their mineralogy and chemical composition. The composition of enstatite and kamacite and the occurrence of specific sulfide phases in Itqiy indicate it formed under similar reducing conditions to those postulated for enstatite chondrites. The new results now seem to point at a direct spatial link. The noble gas record of Itqiy exhibits the presence of a trapped subsolar component, which is diagnostic for petrologic types 4-6 among enstatite chondrites. The concentration of radiogenic 4He is very low in Itqiy and indicates a recent thermal event. Its 21Ne cosmic-ray exposure age is 30.1 ~ 3.0 Ma and matches the most common age range of enstatite chondrites (mostly EL6 chondrites) but not that of Zaklodzie. Itqiy's isotopic composition of oxygen is in good agreement with that observed in Zaklodzie as well as those found in enstatite meteorites suggesting an origin from a common oxygen pool. The noble gas results, on the other hand, give reason to believe that the origin and evolution of Itqiy and Zaklodzie are not directly connected. Itqiy's terrestrial age of 5800 ~ 500 years sheds crucial light on the uncertain circumstances of its recovery and proves that Itqiy is not a modern fall, whereas the 14C results from Zaklodzie suggest it hit Earth only recently.