Development and validation of the short Use of Creative Cognition Scale in studying

Rogaten, Jekaterina and Moneta, Giovanni B. (2015). Development and validation of the short Use of Creative Cognition Scale in studying. Educational Psychology, 35(3) pp. 294–314.



This paper reports the development and validation of a short Use of Creative Cognition Scale in Studying (UCCS) that was inspired by the Cognitive Processes Associated with Creativity (CPAC) scale. In Study 1, items from two of the six subscales of the CPAC were excluded due to conceptual and psychometric issues to create a 21-item CPAC scale, which was administered to 517 university students. Exploratory factor analysis revealed that the 21-item CPAC scale is unidimensional. Five items were selected to create the new unidimensional UCCS. In Study 2, 696 students completed the UCCS and a set of scales measuring related constructs. Confirmatory factor analysis corroborated the unidimensional structure of the scale. The scale correlated positively with measures of flow, trait intrinsic motivation, adaptive metacognitive traits and positive affect, it correlated negatively with negative affect, and it did not correlate with core maladaptive metacognitive traits. The findings indicate that the scale is a valid and reliable tool for research and monitoring.

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