McGinley, Kathleen; de Jong, Wil; Humphreys, David; Visseren-Hamakers, Ingrid; Denvir, Audrey; Luppberger, Sarah; Cashore, Ben; McDermott, Connie and Auld, Graeme
(2016). Scoping knowledge of the problems at hand.
In: Caro Torres, Paloma; de Jong, Wil; Denvir, Audrey; Humphreys, David; McGinley, Kathleen; Auld, Graeme; Lupberger, Sarah; McDermott, Constance; Sax, Sarah and Yin, Daphne eds.
Can Legality Verification enhance local rights to forest resources? Piloting the policy learning protocol in the Peruvian forest context.
International Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO), pp. 35–50.
URL: http://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-9/...