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Cross, Simon; Whitelock, Denise and Mittelmeier, Jenna
This paper reports the findings of a large-scale survey in to the student experience of assessment at the UK’s largest distance learning university. Three key aspects of assessment were covered in the survey: formative assessment, revision for examination and the examination/end of module; with a view of providing insight for more effective learning designers and learning analytics. This analysis meets an urgent need to better understand the assessment analytics associated with the ‘revision’ period – the weeks leading up to an examination that may be crucial in ensuring student assessment success, building confidence, and improving progression to the next course. Using results from an online questionnaire (n=281) sent to undergraduate distance learners and follow-up telephone interviews (n=13), this paper will examine some of the relationships between the revision and examination experience. Specific regard will be paid to usefulness of revision resources, time spent revising, enjoyment, reflection and learning, exam preparedness and clarity, mark satisfaction and score received. The paper will begin with an overview of the central findings of the survey, followed by a focus on the relationship between the ‘revision’ period and the examination itself. In particular, aspects of student experience, performance and self-reported learning effort will be explored. The research represents an important step in extending the scope of assessment analytics and in better understanding the opportunities for providing more timely, targeted or personalised learning support. Key findings of the analysis reported are that revising for an exam and the exam itself are relatively distinct experiences; there is no significant correlation between time spent revising, usefulness of revision resources and module exam score. Similarly, revision for learning, revision design and satisfaction with revision resources appear as distinct factors in the student experience. These results have clear implications for the design and teaching of assessment.