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Rogers, Lynne and Hallam, Sue
This study explores gender differences in approaches to studying for GCSE among high‐achieving pupils. The sample comprised 310 Year 10 and 11 pupils from two single‐sex schools. Pupils completed a self‐reported questionnaire designed to assess approaches to studying for GCSE, including statements relating to coursework, examinations, research, study strategies and homework. Boys gained a higher score overall in the questionnaire, indicating a more effective approach to studying for GCSE. Gender differences were found in approaches to examinations and study but not in approaches to coursework. The boys reported doing less homework than the girls. The findings suggest that overall high‐achieving boys have better studying strategies than high‐achieving girls. They achieve high standards while doing less homework. Approaches to studying among highachieving girls may be mediated by anxiety that manifests itself in surface approaches to studying for examinations.