Experimental investigation of F, Cl, and OH partitioning between apatite and Fe-rich basaltic melt at 1.0–1.2 GPa and 950–1000 °C

McCubbin, Francis M.; Vander Kaaden, Kathleen E.; Tartèse, Romain; Boyce, Jeremy W.; Mikhail, Sami; Whitson, Eric S.; Bell, Aaron S.; Anand, Mahesh; Franchi, Ian A.; Wang, Jianhua and Hauri, Erik H. (2015). Experimental investigation of F, Cl, and OH partitioning between apatite and Fe-rich basaltic melt at 1.0–1.2 GPa and 950–1000 °C. American Mineralogist, 100(8-9) pp. 1790–1802.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.2138/am-2015-5233


Apatite-melt partitioning experiments were conducted in a piston-cylinder press at 1.0–1.2 GPa and 950–1000 °C using an Fe-rich basaltic starting composition and an oxygen fugacity within the range of ΔIW-1 to ΔIW+2. Each experiment had a unique F:Cl:OH ratio to assess the partitioning as a function of the volatile content of apatite and melt. The quenched melt and apatite were analyzed by electron probe microanalysis and secondary ion mass spectrometry techniques. The mineral-melt partition coefficients (D values) determined in this study are as follows: DFAp-Melt = 4.4–19, DClAp-Melt = 1.1–5, DOHAp-Melt = 0.07–0.24. This large range in values indicates that a linear relationship does not exist between the concentrations of F, Cl, or OH in apatite and F, Cl, or OH in melt, respectively. This non-Nernstian behavior is a direct consequence of F, Cl, and OH being essential structural constituents in apatite and minor to trace components in the melt. Therefore mineral-melt D values for F, Cl, and OH in apatite should not be used to directly determine the volatile abundances of coexisting silicate melts. However, the apatite-melt D values for F, Cl, and OH are necessarily interdependent given that F, Cl, and OH all mix on the same crystallographic site in apatite. Consequently, we examined the ratio of D values (exchange coefficients) for each volatile pair (OH-F, Cl-F, and OH-Cl) and observed that they display much less variability: KdCl-FAp-Melt=0.21±0.03, KdOH-FAp-Melt=0.014±0.002, and KdOH-ClAp-Melt=0.06±0.02. However, variations with apatite composition, specifically when mole fractions of F in the apatite X-site were low (XF < 0.18), were observed and warrant additional study. To implement the exchange coefficient to determine the H2O content of a silicate melt at the time of apatite crystallization (apatite-based melt hygrometry), the H2O abundance of the apatite, an apatite-melt exchange Kd that includes OH (either OH-F or OH-Cl), and the abundance of F or Cl in the apatite and F or Cl in the melt at the time of apatite crystallization are needed (F if using the OH-F Kd and Cl if using the OH-Cl Kd). To determine the H2O content of the parental melt, the F or Cl abundance of the parental melt is needed in place of the F or Cl abundance of the melt at the time of apatite crystallization. Importantly, however, exchange coefficients may vary as a function of temperature, pressure, melt composition, apatite composition, and/or oxygen fugacity, so the combined effects of these parameters must be investigated further before exchange coefficients are applied broadly to determine volatile abundances of coexisting melt from apatite volatile abundances.

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