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Leedham, Maria
In the UK, Chinese students now comprise the largest international student group; yet, little is known about their university-level writing. This study draws on a large corpus of undergraduate student writing from UK universities. It explores Chinese students’ written assignments in English, contrasting these with assignments from British students across a range of university disciplines. The paper points to the L1 Chinese students’ higher use of visuals, lists and formulae in their discipline specific writing when compared to the comparison group of L1 English students.
摘要. 目前,中国留学生已构成了英国最大的国际学生群体。然而,关于中国留学生在大学层次上的写作情况却鲜为人知。基于英国大学本科生的写作语料,本研究分析了中国留学生的书面作业,并与不同学科的英国大学生的作业进行比较。文章指出,就学科内写作而言,同英国以英语为母语的大学生相比,中国学生使用图型、列表和公式的频率更高。