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McFall, Liz and Ossandón, José
This chapter considers what two sociologies of markets have got to do with Organisation Studies. Special attention is paid to two main strands. First, an overview is given of how economic organisations were understood in the new economic sociology developed (mostly) in the US after M. Granovetter’s essay on embeddedness drew attention to the role played by social networks in economic action. The chapter then turns to how the ‘new new economic sociology’ produced (mostly) in Europe after the performative turn initiated by Callon´s Laws of the Markets (1998) challenged this account by pointing instead to the role played by devices or agencements in processes like calculation, and qualification that ‘made’ the economic. While stressing the conceptual and methodological differences that distinguish these approaches, the chapter also considers the results of more recent efforts to combine elements from both, for instance in recent studies of valuation, and the particular implications this has for the study of organisations, especially market organisations.