Combining Qualitative Methods

Pritchard, Katrina (2012). Combining Qualitative Methods. In: Symon, Gillian and Cassell, Cathy eds. Qualitative Organizational Research: core methods and current challenges. Sage, pp. 132–148.



In this chapter I explore the practice of combining qualitative methods, drawing specifically on my own experience in organizational research. I aim to deal with both the pragmatic issues of combining qualitative methods across different types and stages of research practice, whilst also unpacking broader methodological concerns. This is particularly pertinent since typically discussions of methodological combination focus on quantitative-qualitative (‘quan-qual’) blends, often under the heading of ‘multi-method’ or ‘mixed-methods’ research (Creswell, 2003; Tashakkori and Teddlie, 2003). In contrast, despite the representation of qualitative research as ‘bricolage’ (Kincheloe, 2005), the actual practice of working with qualitative-qualitative (‘qual-qual’) combinations receives much less attention within the literature and can remain inaccessible, particularly to new researchers (Hesse-Biber, 2010).

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