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Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Jensen, Christian and Dimova, Slobodanka
European universities have for some time been undergoing dramatic transformative processes centred on internationalization, marketization, competition and standardization (Gürüz 2008; Borhans, Cörvers and National Bureau of Economic Research 2009; Hazelkorn 2011). In non-English dominant contexts, this tends to equate with "Englishization", i.e. an increased use of English (Piller and Cho 2013; Saarinen and Nikula 2012; Phillipson 2009). Englishization affects all or most communicative activities associated with universities: research dissemination, preparation of funding bids, teaching and supervision, internal and external communication (Lillis and Curry 2010; Haberland, Lønsmann, and Preisler 2013; Grenall 2012; Llurda, Cots and Armengol 2014; Ljosland 2014). This volume focuses specifically on the issues, tensions and debates surrounding the use of English as a medium of instruction, or, as we shall also refer to it, EMI. In the context of higher education, scholars have explored EMI under different labels and with different objectives, such as Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) (Wilkinson and Zeger 2007; Smit and Dafouz 2012; Dalton-Putter 2011) or English as a Lingua Franca in Academia (ELFA) (Mauranen 2014; Jenkins 2014; Seidlhofer 2011).