Twenty-first century multicultural learning: equality of gender, race and sexuality

Pereira, Maria Elisabete; Okada, Alexandra and Casali, Alipio (2005). Twenty-first century multicultural learning: equality of gender, race and sexuality. In: The Third International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, 2-5 Aug 2005, Cambridge, UK.


Over the last two decades, a new world order has emerged, with the end of Soviet Union, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the lifting of Apartheid in South Africa. Increasing dominance of capitalism, the rapid advances in technology and globalization and changes in production systems have created the twin problems of higher unemployment and social, economic and cultural exclusion. In response, new social movements have appeared to uphold human rights and promote equality of opportunities. In Brazil, the Government has been considering measures to promote 'education for diversity' - for equality of gender, race and sexuality. In December 2004, The Ministry of Education and Special Secretaries of Women, Race Equality and Human Rights along with the British Council, organised an international seminar to: 1. collect ideas and expert opinion on themes such as differences of gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, class, identity; 2. plan strategies for continual professional development of teachers, and how to include these themes in curricula. This paper presents a summary of the key discussions in this seminar and the main outcomes: 1. criteria to identify, develop and review pedagogical materials and leaning practices; 2. issues around Education for diversity - training of teachers, materials for teaching and learning strategies for students.

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