Opening Educational Practices in Scotland

Cannell, P. and Macintyre, R. (2014). Opening Educational Practices in Scotland. In: #design4learning: from blended learning to learning analytics in HE, 26-27 Nov 2014, Milton Keynes, UK.


Open Educational Resources (OER) are frequently heralded as opening up new possibilities for widening access to education, however, the evidence to date is that this has not been achieved at any significant scale.

Opening Educational Practices in Scotland (OEPS) is a new three-year project funded by the Scottish Funding council ( ). The project, led by the OU in Scotland is intended to involve the whole Scottish Higher Education Sector and has a focus on developing effective practices that can support widening participation and transitions between different phases of the learning journey.

The poster highlights some examples of the creation and use of OER in widening participation partnerships that have informed the direction of the project. Early findings suggest that practices around the development, use and reuse of OER can be more important than the content. Working in partnership with organisations in the workplace and community settings, OERs can be used flexibly to offer new pedagogically sound models of learning. If used effectively, OERs have the potential to:- provide a variety of pathways from informal to formal learning; widen participation in education; provide opportunities for learners to access a broader curriculum and relevant skills development; reduce duplication and costs through creating a culture of collaborative development and reuse across the sector.

The poster also outlines the objectives of the OEPS project.

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