Exploring meaning through interviews with children

Westcott, Helen and Littleton, Karen (2005). Exploring meaning through interviews with children. In: Greene, Sheila and Hogan, Diane eds. Researching Children's Experience: Approaches and Methods. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd, pp. 141–157.

URL: http://www.sagepub.co.uk/textbooksProdDesc.nav?pro...


[About the book]:

How should the researcher approach the sensitive subject of the child? What are the ethical issues involved in researching children's experiences? In essays written by a collection of key international authors, Researching Children's Experience addresses these questions, and examines up-to-date methodological and conceptual approaches to researching children. This book serves as a practical, comprehensive, and interdisciplinary guide for advanced students and researchers exploring a range of studies, and the theoretical and ethical motivations behind them.

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