Personalisation: The Beginning Of A New Dawn Or The End Of The Road For Third Sector Support For Carers?

Miller, Robin and Larkin, Mary (2013). Personalisation: The Beginning Of A New Dawn Or The End Of The Road For Third Sector Support For Carers? TSRC, Birmingham.



Personalisation has become a key aspiration of adult social care policy in England. Perspectives vary though as its meaning and the extent to which it signals a new paradigm in care. It is being seen as not only relevant to those directly accessing care but also for their carers. Carers’ support is an area in which third sector organisations (TSOs) have traditionally played a significant role, and changes to funding and the expected model of care will therefore potentially have an impact on the third sector. This study explores the issues that arise for TSOs who work with carers from the introduction of personalisation, through interviews with TSOs and public sector commissioners and policy makers.

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