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Norton, A. J.; Coe, M. J.; Everall, C.; Roche, P.; Bildsten, L.; Chakrabarty, D.; Prince, T. A.; Stollberg, M. T. and Wilson, R. B.
EXO2030+375 consists of a neutron star in an eccentric 46 day orbit around a 20th magnitude Be-star companion (Coe et al., 1988; Parmar et al., 1989; Stollberg et al., 1993). The Be-star is thought to be surrounded by a shell/disc of material which is responsible for the infrared excess and Balmer emission lines which are characteristic of Be-stars in general. At periastron, the neutron star passes through this circumstellar material, giving rise to enhanced accretion onto the neutron star surface. As a result of this, the X-ray emission (pulsed at the neutron star spin period of 41.8s) increases dramatically, so producing the transient, outburst behaviour which is commonly seen in Be-star / X-ray binaries.