Photometric and Halpha observations of LSI+61 303: detection of a ~26 day V and JHK band modulation

Paredes, J. M.; Marziani, P.; Marti, J.; Fabregat, J.; Coe, M. J.; Everall, C.; Figueras, F.; Jordi, C.; Norton, A. J.; Prince, T.; Regelero, V.; Roche, P.; Torra Roca, J.; Unger, S. J. and Zamanov, R. K. (1994). Photometric and Halpha observations of LSI+61 303: detection of a ~26 day V and JHK band modulation. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 288 pp. 519–528.


We present new optical and infrared photometric observations and high resolution Halpha spectra of the periodic radio star LSI+61 303. The optical photometric data set covers the time interval 1985-1993 and amounts to about a hundred nights. A period of ~26 days is found in the V band. The infrared data also present evidence for a similar periodicity, but with higher amplitude of variation (0.2mag). The spectroscopic observations include 16 intermediate and high dispersion spectra of LSI+61 303 collected between January 1989 and February 1993. The Halpha emission line profile and its variations are analyzed. Several emission line parameters - among them the Halpha EW and the width of the Halpha red hump - change strongly at or close to radio maximum, and may exhibit periodic variability. We also observe a significant change in the peak separation. The Halpha profile of LSI+61 303 does not seem peculiar for a Be star. However, several of the observed variations of the Halpha profile can probably be associated with the presence of the compact, secondary star.

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