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Richardson, John T. E. (2014). Critical synthesis package: experiences of teaching and learning questionnaire (ETLQ). MedEdPORTAL Publications; 10:9857.
This resource contains 1) a Critical Analysis of the psychometric properties and the application to health science education of the Experiences of Teaching and Learning Questionnaire (ETLQ) and 2) a copy of the short version of the ETLQ instrument and the scoring instructions developed by Noel Entwistle, PhD.
The short version of the ETLQ is a self-completion instrument that consists of 49 items divided into five sections:
1.Approaches to learning and studying, which contains 15 items measuring the use of a deep approach, a surface approach, monitoring studying, and organized studying;
2.Experiences of teaching and learning, which contains 15 items measuring six aspects of the experience of a particular course unit;
3.Demands made by the course unit (10 items);
4.What you learned from this course unit (8 items); and
5.How well you have done in the course unit (1 item).
In the first two sections, response options are presented on a 5-point scale from “agree� to “disagree.� In the third section, response options are presented on a 5-point scale from “very easy� to “very difficult.� In the fourth section, response options are presented on a 5-point scale from “a lot� to “very little�. The final item uses a 9-point scale from “very well� to “rather badly.� Mean scale scores can be calculated.
The short version demonstrates satisfactory internal consistency and satisfactory construct validity according to exploratory factor analyses of the first two sections of the questionnaire. Evidence has also been obtained of an association between students’ perceptions and their approaches to studying. The short version of the ETLQ can be recommended for use in health sciences education, provided that it is revalidated for use in each new context. An adaptation of the ETLQ can be recommended for evaluating entire programs of study.