UX design in agile: a DSDM case study

Plonka, Laura; Sharp, Helen; Gregory, Peggy and Taylor, Katie (2014). UX design in agile: a DSDM case study. In: Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 15th International Conference, XP 2014, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Springer.


Integrating User Experience (UX) design with agile development continues to be the subject of academic studies and practitioner discussions. Most of the existing literature focuses on SCRUM and XP, but in this paper we investigate a technical company who use DSDM. Unlike other agile methods, DSDM provides a configurable framework and a set of roles that covers the whole software development process. While elements of the UX design integration experience were similar to those reported with other agile methods, working practices to mitigate the challenges were identified using DSDM’s standard elements. Specifically, communication challenges were mitigated by extending two of DSDM’s standard roles. In addition, a change of focus between a design-led phase and a development-led phase of the project changed the communication challenges. Agile teams need to be aware that this change of focus can happen and the implications that it has for their work.

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