Moving forward: understanding the negative experiences and impacts of patient and public involvement in health service planning, development and evaluation

Staniszewska, Sophie; Mockford, Carole; Gibson, Andy; Herron-Marx, Sandy and Putz, Rebecca (2011). Moving forward: understanding the negative experiences and impacts of patient and public involvement in health service planning, development and evaluation. In: Barnes, Marian and Cotterell, Phil eds. Critical Perspectives on User Involvement. Bristol: The Policy Press, pp. 129–141.



[About the book]

Drawing on contributions from user activists and academic researchers, this topical reader provides a critical stock take of the state of user involvement. It considers different contexts in which such involvement is taking place and includes diverse and sometimes conflicting perspectives on the issues involved. This original and insightful critique will be an important resource for students studying health and social care and social work, researchers and user activists.

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