The clustering of massive galaxies at z~ 0.5 from the first semester of BOSS data

White, Martin; Blanton, M.; Bolton, A.; Schlegel, D.; Tinker, J.; Berlind, A.; da Costa, L.; Kazin, E.; Lin, Y.-T.; Maia, M.; McBride, C. K.; Padmanabhan, N.; Parejko, J.; Percival, W.; Prada, F.; Ramos, B.; Sheldon, E.; de Simoni, F.; Skibba, R.; Thomas, D.; Wake, D.; Zehavi, I.; Zheng, Z.; Nichol, R.; Schneider, Donald P.; Strauss, Michael A.; Weaver, B. A. and Weinberg, David H. (2011). The clustering of massive galaxies at z~ 0.5 from the first semester of BOSS data. Astrophysical Journal, 728(2), article no. 126.



We calculate the real- and redshift-space clustering of massive galaxies at z ~ 0.5 using the first semester of data by the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS). We study the correlation functions of a sample of 44,000 massive galaxies in the redshift range 0.4 < z < 0.7. We present a halo-occupation distribution modeling of the clustering results and discuss the implications for the manner in which massive galaxies at z ~ 0.5 occupy dark matter halos. The majority of our galaxies are central galaxies living in halos of mass 1013 h−1 M, but 10% are satellites living in halos 10 times more massive. These results are broadly in agreement with earlier investigations of massive galaxies at z ~ 0.5. The inferred large-scale bias (b ≃ 2) and relatively high number density (¯n = 3×10−4 h3 Mpc−3) imply that BOSS galaxies are excellent tracers of large-scale structure, suggesting BOSS will enable a wide range of investigations on the distance scale, the growth of large-scale structure, massive galaxy evolution, and other topics.

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