Practice Guide to the Early Years Developmental Journal

Mengoni, Silvana and Oates, John (2013). Practice Guide to the Early Years Developmental Journal. National Children's Bureau, London.



The Early Years Developmental Journal is intended as a useful resource for practitioners when monitoring progress, supporting assessments and providing a basis for communicating with parents and other practitioners. In particular it can support the statutory early years progress assessment and child health monitoring when a child is around 2 years of age. It is closely linked with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Development Matters and with the Personal Child Health Record (PCHR or ‘red book’). The Journal is also suitable for older children with special educational needs and disabilities, depending on their developmental level, and therefore the Journal’s Steps have also been mapped onto P scales for use in schools.

Views from practitioners from different sectors were sought and taken into consideration during the development stage of the Early Years Developmental Journal. However, it is recognised that practitioners may have different priorities and requirements from such a resource than parents. This Practice Guide to the Early Years Developmental Journal has been produced to support practitioners and parents joint working in practice. In this document, there is supplementary information that both practitioners and parents may find useful along with the Early Years Developmental Journal Record, a single page Developmental Profile and a table that maps the Developmental Steps to approximate age ranges.

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