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Johnson, Richard; Ockelford, Jeremy and Power, Tom (2013). Learning from BSF: Lessons from the Basic Services Fund, South Sudan, 2006 to 2012. Department for International Development.
This review seeks to provide lessons to DFID and other stakeholders in the design of future pooled funds and coordinated delivery mechanisms, by drawing on the experience of the Basic Services Fund in South Sudan 20016-2012. It is not a comprehensive study: the results of many valuable lessons are available from the BSF web site1.
BSF was launched in 2005, the year Sudan’s Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) was signed, and has been managed by BMB Mott Macdonald since 2006. What began as a short-term bridging fund to deliver basic services in health, education and WASH over 20 months has been renewed with a succession of short- term extensions, to the end of 2012.
Over this period, in a context where other programmes have been seen to struggle, BSF has developed a reputation for delivering outputs on the ground.
The review drew on external reviews and learning exercises conducted by BSF, and enquiries in November 2012, to research 7 areas of evidence, as shown below, generating lessons from BSF experience for the future.
The report suggests a framework for considering funding Mechanisms, including
• The social, political and economic Landscape in which they operate
• The Funding Mechanism itself
• 3 key areas in which the funding mechanism needs to succeed
• Engaged Stakeholders
• Performance for Outcomes
• Sustainability