Young Lives Qualitative Fieldwork Guide: Round One (2007)

Camfield, Laura; Crivello, Gina and Woodhead, Martin (2013). Young Lives Qualitative Fieldwork Guide: Round One (2007).



This document is a reproduction of a fieldwork guide produced collaboratively by an international team of researchers taking part in the Young Lives study. Young Lives is a long-term study of childhood poverty in four countries: Ethiopia, India (in the state of Andhra Pradesh), Peru and Vietnam.

This manual guided the first of four planned rounds of data collection in 2007 as part of a longitudinal qualitative research design. The longitudinal qualitative study is tracking 50 children in each study country, using a case-study approach to document their changing life trajectories over time. This is one of a series of documents for other researchers carrying out social research with children and young people in poverty to adapt, use and develop in their own work.

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