Developing a model for integrating waste data to enhance performance monitoring and strategic planning

Thomas, Christine and Parfitt, Julian (2002). Developing a model for integrating waste data to enhance performance monitoring and strategic planning. In: Waste 2002 - Integrated Waste Management and Pollution Control: Research, Policy and Practice (Elvera, Elvera ed.), The Waste Conference Limited, Warwick, UK.


Local waste management strategies need to take into account all household waste arisings, including those taken to Civic Amenity sites (also known as Household Waste Recycling Centres or HWRCs) and other ‘bring’ facilities. However research in this area has consistently failed to integrate site-based data with collection round data. Research that deals with one aspect of the household waste stream in isolation can build a misleading picture of the amount and type of waste produced by households in any particular area and can be a serious weakness in the development of realistic waste management scenarios. This paper describes research, carried out in collaboration with Hampshire County Council, to develop a method of integrating compositional data from a limited sample of waste collection rounds with operational data on the relative use of the different collection facilities for household waste. The resultant reconstructed waste arisings and compositional profile for each area was then used to develop scenarios for exploring future policy options.

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