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Orkin, Kate; Yadete, Workneh A. and Woodhead, Martin (2012). Delivering Quality Early Learning In Low-Resource Settings: Progress And Challenges In Ethiopia. Working Papers in Early Child Development 59; Bernard van Leer Foundation, The Hague/ Netherlands.
The potential of high quality early childhood care and education ECCE programmes to deliver positive outcomes for children and society is well recognised. But delivering on this potential presents huge challenges, especially in low and middle income countries. This final working paper in the Transitions in Early Childhood series focusses on Ethiopia. While in many respects Ethiopia is a success story of Education For All, in terms of increased enrolments in primary education, the early years of schooling is faced with numerous access and quality challenges. This working paper reviews the government of Ethiopia's 2010 policy framework for ECCE and highlights these different challenges in rural and urban areas of Ethiopia, drawing on survey and qualitative research data collected as part of Young Lives longitudinal research.