L4All, a web-service based system for lifelong learners

de Freitas, Sara; Harrison, Ian; Magoulas, George; Papamarkos, George; Poulovassilis, Alexandra; Van Labeke, Nicolas; Mee, Adrian and Oliver, Martin (2008). L4All, a web-service based system for lifelong learners. In: Salermo, Saverio; Gaeta, Matteo; Ritrovato, Pierluigi; Capuano, Nicola; Orciuoli, Francesco; Miranda, Sergio and Pierri, Anna eds. The Learning Grid Handbook: Concepts, Technologies and Applications. The Future of Learning, 2. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 143 - 155.

URL: http://www.booksonline.iospress.nl/Content/View.as...


L4All is a system that records and shares learning trails through educational offerings with the aim of facilitating progression of lifelong learners from Secondary Education, through to Further Education and on to Higher Education (HE). The focus is on helping those post-16 learners who have traditionally not participated in HE. L4All allows learners to access information and resources registered with the system by their providers, to plan their own learning, and to maintain a record of their learning. Tutors are able to register recommended learning pathways through courses and modules, thereby encouraging progression into HE. The system allows learners to share their learning plans and experiences with other learners (if they wish) in order to encourage collaborative formulation of future learning goals and aspirations.

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