Princely Virtues in De felici progressu of Michele Savonarola, Court Physician of the House of Este

Zuccolin, Gabriella (2007). Princely Virtues in De felici progressu of Michele Savonarola, Court Physician of the House of Este. In: Bejczy, István P. and Nederman, Cary J. eds. Princely Virtues in the Middle Ages. Disputatio (9). Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, pp. 237–258.



This article will concentrate on De felici progressu, Savonarola’s major political work. De felici progressu is a Latin treatise written between 1454 and 1461 and extant in only one known manuscript (Modena, Biblioteca Nazionale Estense, á. W. 2.15). Like many of Savonarola’s writings, the text remains unedited. The work has also come down in a vernacular version — it is in fact uncertain which version was written first — that has been edited by Maria Aurelia Mastronardi on the basis of the only known manuscript (Ravenna, Biblioteca Classense Cl. n. 302).5 ... ... De felici progressu develops the typical themes of the prince’s journey toward knowledge and education (and thus to virtue) and the pedagogy of good government. In the treatise, the prince can find a set of virtues and vices, a representation of himself and his court with which to confront himself, and a moral and political ideal to which he is invited to adapt himself. Several literary forms and genres are moulded together in this structurally articulated piece of work: the speculum principis, the laudatio urbis, the confrontation of the arts, the regimen sanitatis, and the historical chronicle.

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