Approaches to teaching ESP and EAP in open and distance learning

Shrestha, Prithvi (2012). Approaches to teaching ESP and EAP in open and distance learning. In: IATEFL ESP SIG Pre-Conference Event: Cutting-edge developments in teacher education, materials design, and assessment and testing in ESP and EAP, 19 Mar 2012, Glasgow.


The field of ESP (including EAP) has grown tremendously over the last four decades. It seems to have flourished not only in English-speaking countries but also in countries where English is used as a foreign language. However, its growth in the open and distance learning sector seems to be limited and the ESP literature appears to report very little with regard to this sector. In this talk, I will be presenting the approach(es) followed by OpenELT in The Open University UK while designing two modules for open and distance learning: one ESP and another EAP. I will also share the implication of producing these two modules for other ESP/ EAP practitioners.

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