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Mahfouz, Ayman; Barroca, Leonor; Laney, Robin and Nuseibeh, Bashar
Choreography is emerging as a standard for specifying multi-participant interactions. However, conventional choreography descriptions provide only a partial view of the interaction. They do not capture critical business-domain knowledge including: goals motivating participants to interact, organizational dependencies that enable the interaction, and physical activities that are part of the interaction contract. In the absence of this knowledge, it is hard to argue if a choreography description satisfies the business goals of participants. This deficiency is critical when the need arises to adapt the choreography to changes in business requirements. In this paper, we argue for representing choreography at the level of requirements motivating the interaction. To bridge the two worlds of choreographed messaging and requirements, we propose an automated technique for deriving choreography descriptions. Utilizing the precise semantics offered by requirements models we infer constraints on the choreographed messaging, from which we generate a choreography description that satisfies the requirements.