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Richardson, K. J.; White, Glenn J.; Phillips, J. P. and Avery, L. W.
Observations of the DR21/DR21(OH) region have been made in the molecular lines CO J = 2-1, CO J = 3-2, HCN J = 4-3, HCO+ J = 4-3, H13CO+ J = 4-3 and CS J = 7-6, supplemented by continuum observations of DR21 and DR21(OH) at 350 μm and a 20 μm map of DR21. The CO observations show a high-velocity wing region around DR21, which is blue shifted with respect to the -3 km s-1 central velocity of the source, and may be due to an outflow. The CS, HCN, HCO+ and H13CO+ intensities, spatial extents and line profiles, in addition to the self-absorptions seen in some CO lines, can be understood on the basis of a simple 2-component model similar to that of Norman & Silk and consisting of dense (105 - 106cm-3) clumps surrounded by a less dense (≡103cm-3) interclump gas of higher temperature.