A 257-273 GHz spectral survey of the OMC1 cloud core

Greaves, J. S. and White, Glenn J. (1991). A 257-273 GHz spectral survey of the OMC1 cloud core. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 91 pp. 237–258.

URL: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1991A%26AS...91..237...


A spectral line survey of the OMC1 cloud core has been obtained, over the frequency range 257.04-273.02 GHz, using the James Clerk Maxwell 15-m submillimeter telescope. Additional observations have been made centered at 229.4, 231.2, 237.3, and 239.1 GHz. A new algorithm was used to deconvolve the original double-sideband data, and its performance is critically discussed.

181 distinct spectral lines were detected, ~ 7 of which are not identifiable with known molecular transitions. Between 18 and 21 molecular species were detected, including up to 10 isotopically-substituted forms. The line strengths are greater by a factor of 1.9 (on average) than in an earlier OVRO survey orf similar frequencies, made using a larger beam. The current results therefore provide a substantial data base of typical line strengths for future high-resolution studies of the OMC1 core.

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