Observations of MON R2 in the J = 2→1 line of carbon monoxide

White, G. J.; Watt, G. D.; Cronin, N. J. and van Vliet, A. H. F. (1979). Observations of MON R2 in the J = 2→1 line of carbon monoxide. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 186 pp. 107–111.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/186.1.107

URL: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1979MNRAS.186..107W


Observations of the J = 2→1 CO line have been made in the galactic source Mon R2. Observations of the 12CO and 13CO isotopes at 230 and 220 GHz indicate that the 13CO is optically thick with τ13 > 1.1. there is a close similarity between line intensities and spectral shapes in the 12CO J = 1→0 and 2→1 transitions.

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