Our ground zeros: diaspora, media, memory

Gillespie, Marie (2011). Our ground zeros: diaspora, media, memory. In: Zelizer, Barbie and Allan, Stuart eds. Journalism After September 11 (2nd ed). Communications and Society. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 2252–271.

URL: http://www.routledge.com/books/details/97804154601...


This article focuses on responses to the mediation of the the attacks of 11 September 2001 among diasporic audiences in the UK. Based on an a collaborative media ethnography that interlinked analysis of news images and discourses in an array of transnational television news channels, it explores the comparativist frames of references deployed by audiences to make sense of the attacks - captured in the phrase 'our ground zeros'. It is argued that while a comparative stance does not morally relativise the tragedy of the attacks, it does provoke a challenge to westernised conceptions of the causes, consequences and meanings of the attacks.

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