A deep search for X-ray emission from radio quasars with Ariel V

White, Glenn and Ricketts, Martin J. (1977). A deep search for X-ray emission from radio quasars with Ariel V. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 181 pp. 435–440.

URL: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1977MNRAS.181..435W


Results are reported for a deep survey of 65 radio quasars with the Ariel V Sky Survey Instrument, which was undertaken to search for X-ray emission with the aid of a detector system covering the energy range from 2 to 17 keV. Three-sigma upper limits are placed on the X-ray fluxes and luminosities of most of the candidate quasars. It is estimated that the upper limits for quasars with redshifts of less than 1.5 are larger than the likely Compton X-ray fluxes by factors of 10 to several hundred, assuming that there are no strong evolutionary effects on the spectra or luminosities of the quasars.

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