NEP source catalog

Hwang, N.; Lee, M.; Lee, H.; Im, M.; Matsuhara, H.; Wada, T.; Oyabu, S.; Pak, S.; Chun, M.; Watari, H.; Nakagawa, T.; Pearson, Chris; Takagi, T.; Hanami, H. and White, Glenn (2009). NEP source catalog. Vizier, Harvard University.

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The observation of the north ecliptic pole (NEP) region was carried out over nine photometric nights between 2004 August 22 and September 22 using the 3.6m CFHT telescope located at Mauna Kea, Hawaii. The u* g' r' i' z' filter system provided with MegaCam is basically the same as that used by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS; York et al. 2000AJ....120.1579Y) except for the u* filter.

Item Type: Research Dataset Record
Dataset Status: Finalised
Dataset Access:
Retention Rule: Indefinitely
Retention Action: Archive
Copyright Holders: © 2009 Vizier
Academic Unit or School: Physical Sciences
Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
Item ORO ID: 32889
Depositing User: G. J. White
Date Deposited: 08 Mar 2012 11:17
Last Modified: 28 May 2024 01:00

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