Variations in light lithophile elements (Li, B, Be) and lithium isotopes in martian pyroxenes and olivines: roles of degassing and diffusion

Anand, M. and Parkinson, I. J. (2010). Variations in light lithophile elements (Li, B, Be) and lithium isotopes in martian pyroxenes and olivines: roles of degassing and diffusion. In: 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1-5 Mar 2010, Houston, TX, US.



Introduction: The zoning patterns of light lithophile elements (LLEs: Li, Be, B) in pyroxenes of some Martian meteorites have been used to suggest that the parent basalts were water-saturated, which exsolved and lost an aqueous phase through degassing and eruption, causing depletion in LLEs in the pyroxene rims. In contrast, other investigators have suggested a diffusion controlled fractionation in Li isotopes and LLE distribution pattern in Martian minerals. Therefore, the main aims of our project were to determine the LLEs and Li isotopic composition in pyroxenes and olivines from newly discovered Martian meteorites and then model and assess the roles of various processes involved in Martian magmatic history.

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