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Spear, Roger; Andersen, Linda Lundgaard and Schott, Thomas
This chapter uses data from the 2009 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) Adult Population Survey (APS) in Denmark, but it is based on an extension to the questions asked around the world – since we wanted to know more about the full spectrum of involvement, we also asked about those who worked in social enterprises in Denmark. We interviewed a sample of 4.000 adults in Denmark and asked about their involvement in social entrepreneurship and about their social enterprise.
In this chapter we report on involvement in social entrepreneurship; we break down involvement according to whether people were starting, managing or working in social enterprise, and we cover the following areas:
• Rate of participation of the population in social entrepreneurship in Denmark through working, starting, or managing.
• How participation is related to demographics (gender, age, education, occupational status, income)
• Cost and compensation of participation: time and pay
• Links to the day job
• Extent to which social entrepreneurship attends to needs in society.