Vital – CPD for teachers… CPD for ITE trainees?

Bradshaw, Pete (2010). Vital – CPD for teachers… CPD for ITE trainees? In: ITTE Summer Conference, 6-8 Jul 2010, Liverpool, UK.


As reported on at the ITTE Research Conference, Vital is a £5.6million DCSF funded programme, which aims to address the issue of the gap between rhetoric and reality in CPD and ICT and to bring about a step change in the use of ICT in schools in England through the provision of high quality ICT CPD. The programme is being developed and delivered by The Open University and e-skills UK.

Vital is aimed at staff in schools across England, and provides courses, more informal CPD activities and peer-peer interaction. It is open to other providers, including those in ITE who are able to host or signpost their own courses, resources and activities. In dong so it is developing a community of practitioners. As new entrants to the profession, and after Wenger, trainees are moving from the periphery to the centre of this community.

The key question for this workshop is how can we, as ITE providers, use the Vital platform to engage trainees in this community?

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