Exploring the concept of quality play

Canning, Natalie (2011). Exploring the concept of quality play. In: Reed, Michael and Canning, Natalie eds. Implementing Quality Improvement and Change in the Early Years. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd, pp. 75–91.

URL: http://www.uk.sagepub.com/books/Book235256?siteId=...


This chapter explores the relationship between developing quality provision and children's play. They are important aspects of early years practice which are both subjective and dependent upon personalperspectives, values and beliefs. Exploring quality and play in practice exposes a debate surrounding the construct of play; as a process, or reliant on measurable outcomes. It is interwoven within a wider debate about quality being seen as achieving performance indicators to the detriment of concentrating on the experiences of children. Essentially, quality and play can be orientated to achieve an outcome' however, for quality play to occur practitioners need to focus on how play opportunities are cultivated within a setting. Consequently this chapter explores quality principles for play which emerge from a child centred, free play perspective, recognising the voice and autonomy of the child in play to support quality experiences.

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