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Roby, Helen
Travel plans are a method of either retrofitting or designing in at the outset sustainable transport options into a building’s use and design. They can include physical or structural enhancements to a site, such as improvements to walking and cycling routes, cycle storage and bus routes and stops. However, they can be much more than this. In order for them to succeed they need to support and deliver behaviour change and engage the community. These changes in behaviour can impact how a site is used by changing how people travel to work or by developing working practices that encourage people to work more flexibly, from home or meet through virtual means, reducing the demand for both office and car parking space. This paper will explore the impact of retrofitting travel plans and changes in working practices on a building. Examples will be drawn from a series of case studies to show how such policies affect the demand for and use of space. This change in use can help to cut both carbon emissions and costs, whilst developing opportunities to improve productivity. The examples will then be used to demonstrate the innovative techniques used to change behaviours and support the use of technology to communicate virtually, reducing the demand for corporeal travel. What this paper will show is that retrofitting need not just be about physical changes, but that changes in behaviour and use in a building are an important factor using sustainable transport initiatives as an example.