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Ruan, T.; Montabone, L.; Mulholland, D. P.; Read, P. L. and Lewis, S. R.
Data assimilation has been applied in several studies [Montabone et al., 2005; Lewis et al., 2005; Montabone et al., 2006a; Montabone et al., 2006b; Lewis et al., 2007; Wilson et al., 2008; Rogberg et al. 2010] as an effective tool with which to analyze spacecraft observations and phenomena (e.g., atmospheric tides, transient wave behavior, effects of clouds in the tropics, weather predictability, etc.) in the Martian atmosphere. A data assimilation scheme combined with a Martian Global Circulation Model (GCM) is able to provide a complete, balanced, four-dimensional solution consistent with observations.
The GCM we use [Forget et al., 1999] combines a spectral dynamical solver and a tracer transport scheme developed in UK and Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD; Paris, France) physics package developed in collaboration with Oxford, The Open University and Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (Granada, Spain).
Here, we describe and discuss dust-related interannual and intraseasonal variability of the Martian climate. The results shown in this study come from a reanalysis using the Martian GCM with data assimilation scheme which assimilates Mars Global Surveyor/ Thermal Emission Spectrometer (MGS/TES) retrievals of temperature and column dust opacity. The detailed model setup was described by Montabone et al. [2006a], and the data assimilation scheme employed in this study was introduced in the work of Lewis et al. [2007].